CELOX PPH tampone emostatico uterino

Controllo rapido ed efficace di emorragia uterina post-partum

CELOX PPH Gebärmuttertamponade zur Blutstillung


Henrich W, Dückelmann A, Braun T, Hinkson L

Uterine packing with chitosan-covered tamponade to treat postpartum hemorrhage

American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology, 2023

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Does the use of chitosan covered gauze for postpartum hemorrhage reduce the need for surgical therapy including hysterectomy? A databased historical cohort study. 

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Uterine packing with chitosan-covered gauze compared to balloon tamponade for managing postpartum hemorrhage.

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Uterine packing with chitosan-covered gauze for control of postpartum hemorrhage. 

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Uses of chitosan for treating different forms of serious obstetrics hemorrhages

J Gynecol Obst and Human Repr Vol 46 Issue 9 2017

  • Racommandazione nella linea guida
  • 100 % emostasi di emorragie di grado 1 e 2
  • Applicazione sicura e semplice 

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